C4D Motion Training: From the Basics to Master Level
C4D 모션감각 트레이닝 : 기초부터 마스터까지
I'm happy to announce my class "C4D Motion Training: From the Basics to Master Level" has finally been released
with English subtitles on the online class platform Coloso.
During the class, not only will I go over the basics of 3D Motion Graphics but also give insights into the professional working process.
The class allows anyone, from beginners to fellow designers, to grow their 3D Design & Animation skills further than ever before.

2021 Best Student Work
So happy to share 2021's Best Student Work from my Coloso C4D Class!!
Truly thankful to have guided such talented students! Can't wait to see their continued growth!!
수업에 열정적으로 임해주신 2021 한국 학생 모든 분들 너무나도 감사합니다!
앞으로도 멋진 성장을 기대하겠습니다!

Best Student Insta Link
@ssalhee @jooeunkim_ @happy__dudu @suu_mingg @oysifhco @hookkuyamm @rosa.design.motion @kso96318 @euntoo_7 @_hondoni_ @bana_cmm @__sunbaybleu @jpony_joe @__sznni @kanghyungseok8976 @ccamelcchoi @raainforest @art_w_jin @nani_o0o_ @z0.dongjun @_chillust @ryune2 @seed.n.feed @eeee.93ing @hye_0on_ @yoons_pace_
If you're interested in the class, check out the link for more details!
Thank you for watching!
Class Link 👉 Global Eng ver | Korean ver | Japan ver